Anjou Hamish of FoxFeather Farm

My friend loaded her mare into the trailer and secured everything. Look who welcomed her into the truck cab.

No, he's not growling, he's suffering.

The "Flop n Roll," a greeting ceremony
Floss is a Lurcher
Helping with the weeding.

Elsa with her favorite cat. Hamish's father is Joe, another sweetheart
Hamish is 12 years old now. Mother Mollie crossed the Rainbow Bridge at 17 and father Joe at 16. We called them JoeMollie because they were inseparable.

Joe on car

Like his dad, Hamish is very into car sitting.


With faithful Floss
Halloween Hamish

About 15 years ago a local woman answered an ad for a kitten. It turned out we had a lot in common and we became friends. Over the years she's sent me photos of the kitten she bought--often enough that he needed his own page. What a card is Anjou Hamish. And very well loved by my friend and her family.

Checkers with the family...
Hamish on car


Hamish with his best friend, Floss

Hamish walking his pet human.
C'mon--sometimes it's time to rest
Sadly, Hamish crossed the rainbow bridge early in 2024, at 16 years. He had the most wonderful life and I am keeping his page in honor or him and his memory.