Well, some cats stay in touch, and Treasure was one that did.

Anjou Treasure & Anjou Maverick


....and along comes Maverick

Treasure at one year

At one year

Treasure, King of the universe.

Please don't go...

You may think this is a chair but to Treasure it's a throne

Treasure & Maverick, posing again

Best friends.

Maverick the Prince...I understand Treasure was consulted.

With Dreamer

Treasure, Maverick & Dreamer

Maverick & Spirit

Treasure & Maverick

Treasure & Maverick

Treasure & Maverick

Maverick is now one year old!

Treasure & Maverick

...and Dreamer

Treasure is now 4 years old!

Maverick looking mature.

 Treasure and Maverick January 2023

 Lazy Treasure and Maverick.

Treasure, Spring 2023.

Maverick, 2 years old, in the sun

Treasure's family

Treasure and Maverick, summer 2023

Treasure and Maverick, busybodies, summer 2023